Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

thankful and blessed

last day of school with the kids today.  wow.  i LOVE my job.  glad for a rest, but still...ever so thankful.  i have been blessed.  abundantly.  deeply.  heart needs.
learning about who i am.  who i am not.  learning about how i feel.  what hurts.  what feels good.  i was numb for so long.  shut down.
today i went shopping for clothes for this big weekend.  and what was really cool is that i thought that i wanted to go and then a friend said , "hey, you need to go get an outfit for graduation."  i was not invisible.  my needs were acknowledged.  and...she went with me.  made sure i didn't get anything unattractive.  it was a pleasant evening.  a gift.
and i am ok about the weekend.  at peace.  it will be however it is.  i can't second guess nor plan exactly what will happen.  i can only know that no matter what comes, i won't be alone.  not abandoned.  god will provide people and help.  it will be ok.  even if it's hard.
bring it on!  my kid is graduating.  so proud of him.
today someone at work that goes to my church was talking about how blatantly my son gave me credit and none to his dad when he spoke in church.  you know, that moment made me smile.  not because of what he didn't do.  but because he and i have worked through a bunch of stuff this last year.  we didn't sweep it away.  we didn't pretend.  and things got better.  so, though it's too bad he doesn't have that with his dad, i still reveled in the moment that he spoke about me.
big weeks ahead.  gonna work hard.  then gonna play hard.  then gonna rest for a few weeks until school comes again.  i am so blessed.
grace to you.

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