Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

I Got It

I'm over my pity party.  Mostly.  Just a few mini ones along the way.  Poor me, no mom to help me.  No mom for mother's day.  Poor me, work full time and have to do this other stuff and try to do it all and make it look easy.  Poor me.  I just have such a hard life.
Snort.  Ha.
I have a FABULOUS life.  I have people who love me.  I have a house that keeps me warm.  I have a bed to sleep on.  Food to eat.  A job that I love going to.  I have a neater house than a hoarder. :)  See, there's always a positive.  AND, if I am unhappy with how things are then I need to change something.  I think that next year I will hire someone a couple of times a month to clean my house.  The floors.  The bathrooms.  The drawers.  You know, the things  that get left.  I think that would help me a lot.  And...I got a raise.  I could use that.
Instead of bitching in my soul about what is wrong, I am choosing to celebrate and look for good.
My life is full.  I am happily divorced.  Very happily.
I don't have a ton of people in my life.  Many have shunned.  Oh well.  I'm quite happy.
I have enough.  Enough love.  Enough faith.  Enough joy.  Enough.  Whatever I need, God provides.  Today, He provided me hope.  Courage to stand up to the overwhelming fear.
Most of this fear is based on the upcoming party.  I know it.  I am not a socialite.  Sooo....I'll have to put on my extrovert suit and do my best.  I will be SO worn out, but I can do it.  I did it for years.

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