Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

rainy days

i love rainy days.  i find them...peaceful.  but i also like getting stuff done on rainy days.  it feels good.  i have laundry in.  have worked in my kitchen a bit.  german pancakes cooking.  my oh my, i'm hungry.  i like the feeling of being genuinely hungry and not eating for the hell of it or eating to fill the void.
i am done fussing over my ex.  i survived graduation.  i am a survivor.  no matter if anyone understands, even if i don't understand....getting away from him was imperative.  he was toxic to my soul.  to spiritual growth.  to love.  to kindness. to compassion.  he took all i had and used it but didn't appreciate it or revel in it.  i am learning the difference.  i am choosing more wisely who to be close to.  and who to let close to me.  i am more open and silly with people....even at work.  yet.....there is a cautious aspect too.  i don't want pretend. i don't want to be used anymore.  i just want to be friendly.  kind.  genuine.  but if someone can't just take that, then i don't want to stick around and keep trying to do better.  to be more.  to be....whatever it is that they think i should do or be in order to be right to be friends with them.
i'm just me.  reflective.  introspective.  silly  courageous.  scared spitless.  adventurous.  calm.  quiet.  rambunctious.  i am a whole stew of opposites.  me.  full of wonder and surprises.  easily amused.  or amazed.  easily pleased.  quick to choose laughter.  a heart that breaks easily.  much more easily than people see.
it's a rainy day.  but the sun has peeked through.  i have cleaned some.  cooked some.  thought some.  played some.  i like to putter around doing what strikes my fancy.

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