Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

For Such a Time as This

I am in a new time.  Sometimes it's so comfortable that I forget what a change it is.  It is a blessed time.  A holy time.  A set apart time.  This is a time where God has shown me that He will always remain.  That He is indeed faithful.  That He totally provides.  Everything.
I have been divorced.
And that is where I am.
But that is not what I am.
I am not a divorced woman.
Nor a divorced teacher.
Nor a divorced mother.
Nor a divorced anything.
I am a woman.
A teacher.
A mother.
A lover of beauty.
Not a divorced lover of beauty.
A friend.
A seeker.
It would be like putting black in front of a word.
Or any sin.
A drunk mother.
A promiscuous mother.
It would be like putting the word lesser.
A lesser mother.
A lesser teacher.
A lesser christian.
It might sound harsh, but divorced doesn't belong there as an adjective....descriptor,,,,if every other aspect of my life
It doesn't.
I am His.  For such a time as this.  And He doesn't count those other things against me.  He holds me.  Anyway?  Better than that.  Passionately.  Without reserve.  The One who created me.  He is beyond any image I can have for Him.  Greater.  More.  Fabulously, miraculously more.
And He is with me where I am.  How I am.
He has made me who I am.  And is continuing that work. For such a time as this.   To be a voice.
You are not defined by what you have done.  By your failures.  Your weaknesses.  Rather, in those weaknesses and failures, He can make Himself known without you...or me...being in the way.
I am a woman.  Beloved.  Receiver of all things good.  Provided for.
For such a time as this, He has comforted me that I may comfort others.

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