Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Self Doubt

From my writing, you probably get the impression that I know exactly what I want and that I am thinking that I am in the right.  That's very far from the truth.  I am riddled with self doubt.  I often wonder if I've done any good for the people I love the most.  I wish that I could have been a better, more "normal" woman and wife for the man I married.  I look at my kids and I wonder if I really helped them.  They are wonderful.  Strong.  Mostly kind.  Good kids.  Nice people.  Growing.  Learning.  But....I doubt myself.  All of the time.  I raised them mostly on my own as far as discipline and spiritual guidance.  I have failed in many ways.  But, I just keep trying to trust that God knew what He was doing and that He will take care of all of the parts I was too immature or too dense to do.  I doubt whether my friendship has changed anyone's life.  I mean, I have BEEN changed, but have I given backin the world the vast amount that I have been given?  I doubt my abilities.  I fear that I am what has been told to me.  Some of it is true.  Very true.  And yet, because the things are true, does it make them bad?  Do they make ME bad?  I doubt my basic value.  I've never had a family to count on.  Maybe it was my fault?  My mom died when I was small.....I used to wonder if she left because I was too much to handle and I think that those doubts still assail me, though I know that they are bogus. 
The thing is this:  self doubt obliterates faith.  It crushes.  Disappoints.  Immobilizes.  Terrifies.  So, though those doubts lurk every day, I am choosing to see what I can from a stand point of how things are.  Not who is to blame.  My husband is one way.  I am a totally different way.  Perhaps I am the "wrong" way, but I can't change it after 20 years, so I have finally come to the position that I need to change the relationship.  I can't say he's "wrong".  He's him.  I can say that he has made some choices that  make relationships difficult at best.  Honestly, I hope he finds someone else.  I hope that he finds "that woman" because I'm not her.  And not being her has eaten at me for far too long.  I need to bask in who I was created to be.  Quit living trying to be what I will never be.  You can dress a bunny up as a cat, but it isn't going to meow.
Self doubt is with me strongly today.  I want SO badly to KNOW that I'm not bad.  That I have contributed.  But, all I can do is trust God to keep leading.  To keep loving.  to hold me.  To shelter me.  To crown me with His glory....undeserving though I am.  Because you simply can't walk up to someone and say, "tell me I'm not a complete waste of time."

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