Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

General Apology

I had to rant on my blog because it is safe.  But, it was not very kind.  I know it.  Although, I said a couple of things that made me laugh when I read back.  One thing it was is real.  It is where I really am.  But the reason blogging is better than having my rant at him is that he will simply pick apart my words if I talk to him when I'm emotional.  He will tell me how I'm saying it wrong.  He will tell me how I can't use generalities.  How I have to give specific examples.  He will make me crazy by hearing something completely different than anything I have said.  And.......in the end, he will turn it into being about how I should feel sorry for him.  So, instead of doing that, I ranted here.  So, I'm sorry for my temper tantrum.
When I talk to him, I want to have it straight in my mind.  I want clarity.  And that is hard.  Because this is hard.
This is just a hard week.  Soon it will be my birthday.  Too bad that thought makes me want to cry.  More and more I miss having a mama.  I guess it will be hard until the day I die.  Because it hasn't gotten any easier with the years.  Wish she was here to be glad that I was born.  Wish she wanted to be with me for my day.  Wish she could be the person who wants to make it a good day.  Who cares that it's a good day.  I feel in the way.  Like an imposition.  I just wanna' say, "we can skip it this year if it's such a problem."  Every year it feels like pulling teeth.  It's not something that is anticipated.  Planned for.  It is assumed that I will plan what to eat, buy it...then it will get cooked.  I dread the present.  Absolutely.  Last year I bought myself dishes and said that they were for my birthday.  And....they were.  No other gift.  No sense of, "but I wanted to do this special thing..." It's too bad because I've always really liked having birthdays.  It's just so hard to feel like I have to make the hoopla.  Like it doesn't matter.  I know it's not true, but I feel like I don't matter unless I happen to fit into everything else.  Last year he offered to take me out to dinner if I wanted to go where he had a buy one get one.  I know that being frugal is good.  I like it too.  But for some reason, in the midst of everything else, it seemed petty.  Like even on my birthday I wasn't worth it.  Like he couldn't put aside a few bucks to take me out where I wanted to go.  I declined.  Said I'd rather just eat at home with the kids.  Nobody ever knows.  I've covered well for him.  But the years are going by and it's wearing on me.  I don't want to live dreading those things that are important to me.  Dreading being hurt more.  Dreading having to be nice.  I ache inside.  Deep down.  And eve on good days, the ache is so real.
My second son asked me, of his own volition, what I wanted for my birthday.  How kind.  How sweet.  He had ideas.  He was planning. I almost wept.  Right there.  I want to make it for my kids, but living like this is not going to make me into a very great person.  Hurting and hiding and trying to fade into the woodwork isn't a good example.  But, I've got to wonder if they'll hate me.
What a week.  I think I'll go away for a day or so.  Just need to breathe.

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