Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Heart

A happy heart is a good thing to have.  Wasn't that profound?  It has taken me a long time to feel courageous enough to say that.  It is as if we are all supposed to walk around, heads bowed drudging along.  Like somehow that makes us spiritual?  But, I am learning that it's GOOD to have a happy heart.  Not less spiritual.  Not wrong.  And this is a blessing to me.
My heart is happy when I see my kids fly.  When I hear beautiful music.  When I learn a new job.  When I dream.  When I give.  When someone actually sees me and gives to me what I "need".  When I let go of all of what should be, could be or I wish was and embrace this moment.  When I am present.  When I hope BIG.  When I work hard.  When I am so busy that I forget that my shows are on.  When I have purpose.  When I am with someone and I feel like a good friend.  When something good happens to someone I care about. 
I find it easy to be happy.  I love being joyful.  So, in the midst of all of this crap....I want to let this woman have a chance to once again have center stage.  The one who worries and tries to fit the mold and hunkers down to try and be what she ought to be....she is going to have to go backstage.  It's a new show.  The Happy Heart Show.  Starring.....ME!!!  And I thought that I'd never be happy again.  Really.  Everything was so hard.  So glum.  So difficult.  So mean.  And now, I'm so simply happy.  Ok, truth be told, I'm on my way.  And it's not simple.  But the show is at least in rehearsal stages and it won't be terribly long before opening night!

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