Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Quiet Heart

My heart is still.  Quieted.  Peaceful.  Though it was hard, it was possible.  I am not a wimp.  Though these days I sometimes feel as if I am.  I am full of courage.  I face difficult things with strength, a sense of humor and hope.  That is why this time of life is so difficult.  I have to find a way.  I want to make it and make it well.  But I want to remind that I am worth every effort.  I am not some charity case.  I don't have to fall over if with thankfulness if someone acts as if I am worth something.  Because I am.  For real.  I have gifts. 
Lately it hasn't felt like it.  I feel so at a loss.  Like I don't know how to do much of value.  I forget that the standard isn't outside of me.  I have to make a standard.  And enjoy God's standard.  I do not have to spend my life trying to figure out somebody else's standard for me.  It's easy to fall into.  I enjoy seeing people content and happy.  I am not a servant by nature, but I enjoy learning how to serve better.  And that is good.....unless it causes me to doubt my value.  Unless I start to think that my value comes from if others are happy.
Don't get me wrong.  I want to give.  Want to live a life that cares.  But in that caring, I have to include myself as well.  I forgot that.  And that is my fault.
I feel sad for my husband.  Because he doesn't know that I really gave it my all.  He doesn't know that the physical hurts that I feel continue....and when they flair up, it reminds me of how much he used me.  I know that having time to heal is a good thing.  He is able to apologize.  But, he tries to make me feel guilty on a regular basis.  And that hurts. 

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