Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


You know, the seed that goes into the ground doesn't look too promising.  Shriveled.  Hardened.  Tough.  It doesn't look anything like the fruit or tree or veggie or flower that it is going to produce.  If I just looked at the seeds, I would wonder "why bother?"  But, I know by experience that the seeds are just the little bits of hope that I put in the ground.  Then I add stinky stuff.  And sticky stuff.  And watery stuff.  It's really quite a process for that little seed.  Must be uncomfortable.  Down in the dark.  Waiting.  But, I know that when I put it down there and have faith.  And if I nurture that faith with actions....well, pretty soon, something totally different than that seed comes up out of the ground.  All of the things look a bit the same in their first few days of life.  Bright green.  Small.  But, very soon, each one takes on their own characteristics.  Begin to stand out as unique.  Boy, would I be shocked if my daisies and my morning glories looked the same after a few weeks.  And, how boring would my garden be?
That's how growth is in my life.  I have to undergo some major changes to become what I'm supposed to be when I'm fully alive in Christ.  He nurtures it.  Feeds it.  But, I can't keep fighting to be like every other "seedling".  I have to be the one I was created to be. 
For me, doing that IS growth.  Can't wait to see the full grown plant.  His plant.  I trust Him to know exactly what I need.  To make me into exactly what He intended.  I HAVE to quit fighting it.......pumpkins and tomatoes are both wonderful, but a tomato trying to be a pumpkin will always be simply frustrated. 
Off I go to dream of the wonders He has planned in my growth....

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