Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I want home to feel like home.  Coming here when he's home is killer.  Like walking in the sand dunes.  Plodding.
Today I saw pictures of a young couple as they were at the hospital for the birth of their first son.  The looks on their faces.  The way he helped.  Wow.  Filled me with a longing.  A realization of how hard it really has been.  I always wanted to feel that relaxed.  That close.  But, I don't. 
Wow, I just had to click off.  He keeps coming in.  Waiting for the footsteps.  Wondering.  Trying to relax.  Trying to realize that I'm a grownup and allowed to do what I choose on a computer.  That this is a safe way to get out what I need to.
Being home has some good things.  I like it with the kids.  I really do.  I like it alone.  But, I don't like it with him home.  Not at all.  It is so stressful.  And it's like......it's like when you've worked a lot for several days.  Worn out.  Ready for a break.  And even if you have more to do, if you sit down, you finally realize what your body needs and it's like you can't get back up again.  That's where I am.  It's like I've sat down.  Let down my guard.  Started looking at what is true.  And now, it's like I can't get back up and deal with things how I used to. 
It's a good home.  Full of good things.  Full of the life of my children.  I just ca't seem to pull myself up and get it done anymore.  I can't seem to play the game. 
It makes me so sad.  It used to feel like if I just kept at it, just kept trying, just tried to make it right, then it would be.  Now, I just feel stupid. 
So, here I am at home with my heart racing.  My teeth chattering.  Huddled over.  Wondering if I am a heathen because no matter how hard it is, I just want this to be done.  Wondering why people aren't allowed to talk about such things.  Wondering what would happen if I just went "blah" and said it all out to someone. 
But, I don't need to be gathering allies.  That's not what I need.  I just need to be heard.  To know that someone gets me.  Sees me.  Understand in some way. 
Here I am.  I am home.  It is nothing like I imagined it would feel.  As a matter of fact, it is everything I would never have wanted or thought that I would end up with.  I should have waited longer.

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