Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Dark Nights

The mornings are dark these days.  The nights are too.  Makes it harder on me.  Funny how cloudy is relaxing to me, but dark is plain...tiring.  Exhausting.  I am so worn out tonight.  It gets dark so early.  By seven, all I could think was that I wanted to go right to bed.  But, I bathed.  Did some stuff.  Now it is just nearly 8...and I wonder, how early is too early for going to bed if I'm really tired?  My son is going to pick up the kids.  I often fall asleep before they get home these days.  So much going on in life and I get tired.
Some of it is stress.  I have to "perform" at work this week.  I have to be "formally" observed.  It should go just fine.  And yet....it stresses me.  I am still recovering...not recovered.
And what to tell my son has been on my mind.  How to tell him that I appreciate him.  Love him.  Value him.  But that I won't be going to counseling with his dad.  That I won't be working to reconcile the marriage.  Some kind of life that doesn't involve feeling completely overwhelmed when I see him might be good....but, beyond that, no thanks.
It makes me feel like a failure.  Like that is how my son will view me.  Not because I don't have good reasons.  But because I will not be giving my reasons to my son.  At least...not the big ones.
So, I should rest.
Sleep, even.
For tomorrow I go back to my wonderful job.  Yep.  Blessed.  Even in this literal dark time of winter.  And the figurative one too.

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