Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


Maybe I can like who I am and still change some behaviors.  I am somehow not user friendly for people.  Thankfully, professionally, I am good.  I have that down for work.  And...I care a lot about relationships, so I can learn....I'm teachable.
I just keep thinking....what is that thing that other people have that I just don't? 
How strange it is.  I feel normal inside.  Like the intense emotions and deep feeling and intuitiveness is natural.  But, I'm weird.  Why do I have to be weird, God?  Can't I just fit in and be able to be easily "gotten"?  Please???  Just for awhile???  Because this is hard.
Really hard.
And there was nothing wrong today.  Nothing at all.  I just needed to be connected.  And I blew it.  I interrupted, I messed up communication...I just can't get what I need because I just can't be how people should be.  And then, that made me so sad.  Like horribly sad...and I left...because I knew that I had blown it yet again.
I feel like a jerk when really I just want to be nice.  Relaxed.  I don't need to vent or gossip.  I just sometimes need someone near.  Maybe it's my tactileness too?  I don't know.  I could wonder what's wrong with me for days without figuring it out.
Instead....I'm going to remember that I like me.  I really do.  I'm caring.  And giving.  I'm fun.  I'm adventurous.  I'm loyal.  I'm able to understand things.  I am sensitive.  Though....people may not know that.  I'm a peace seeker.  I like to get along.  I don't like to create waves.  I like to make things easy for people.
I like me.  It's true.  It's a party.  Only of one.  But still...evenso....no matter what...I can't forsake the "me" of me anymore.

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