Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

soup and sanity

you know, warm food is healing.  nourishing in more than nutritional ways.  it is a comfort to know that i have food.  that god has provided.  and it's a comfort just to get to eat something that tastes good and warms me on the inside.  i am not hard to please.  i am content with life and what i have.
today, i made a decision not to go out and about shopping because i was hungry...and thirsty...and i knew that i really have no business spending any money whatsoever right now.  but, on the other hand, i craved the companionship of my friend.  i wanted to be there.  to enjoy the moments.
yet....i needed to eat too.
funny how coming in the house was so hard, but how the nice warm soup that i had made helped me.  it was so good to know that i had a place to go, food to eat, coffee to drink.  ;)
i missed out on something, but i'll just have to do it another time.  this time, i wouldn't have been able to "participate".  and since she knows i am currently broke, it would have felt like mooching.  taking advantage.
i'll spend time with her if i get a chance.  i'll watch a movie or play a game of scrabble.  she is a good friend.
it was hard to say no.  to not give an excuse and have her make an offer that she would gladly make.  because she is kind.
i needed food.  i have food.  i needed to go ahead and eat it.  to be thankful.
i was.  i am.  filled.  thankful.  joyful.  warmed.
soup and sanity?  yep.  they go hand in hand.  i can't imagine how it feels to have nothing to feed your children.  or maybe because i can imagine it so well, it changes me.  i have food.  i love that.  i have toilet paper.  i read about some moms who are trying to live together and take care of their kids and they didn't even have toilet paper this week.  i have heat.  those moms were huddling with their kids to keep warm during this cold week.
i am so blessed.
now...to find a way to hang out that won't cost money.  at least for now.  because beyond soup...friends are what help us keep going.

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