Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, June 8, 2012


This week I've had to face again that in my givingness, I cover for my not husband.  I don't think that he gets that the things I do at this point aren't FOR him, they are for the kids...and or others.  He put off buying airline tickets and got stuck for his trip.  He had told the kids that they would fly because I found really cheap tickets available when I was looking for tickets for my two sons.  I let not husband know.  He wanted them.  I told him to do it fast because round trip for about $80 would go.....really fast.  He said he would.  But, he didn't.  So, I stayed up when I had work the next day and fixed it.  Found the good price.  Gave it to him.  Told him if he didn't do it right away it would be unlikely.  And he was all gushing when he got his good deal.  But, I did it for the son that was with him at his place while he was doing it.  And my son was so thankful.  Hugely so.  And I know that though it's covering for the not husband.....it's also helping my kids to make a transition.
I am working on how I'll feel about him having them away for a week and a half.  A little hard.  My daughter is excited to be taking a friend.  My one son is sad that he won't be able to get off work.  It's their grandpa's 80th birthday celebration.
Then, on top of all of this, I have a job interview today.  A little nervous...again.  Because I don't know what to want.  I don't know the school environment nor anything.  I am clueless.  But God is not.  And, as I am learning in every little and big part of life....He doesn't require my help.  He requires my weakness and my trust.  He requires me to honor Him.  Beyond that, there's nothing that I need to "make" happen.  So, I will try to be at rest.  To be still in my heart.  To do my other job well this morning and go courageously to an interview.
I also want to sell furniture.  It hasn't quite come together yet.....but it will.

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