Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Seek and you will find......

Seek and you will find....so be careful what you seek.  If you keep a heart full of bitterness and meanness, then that is what you will find in your world.  But if you choose love, kindness, gentleness, and compassion, then that is what you will find.  No, I don't mean that your mindset will determine how others behave.  Your mindset will determine what you decide to make the focus of your life.  Choose things that are worthy of praise, not things that are to complain about.
This struck me today as I was noticing such amazing things about people.  It lifted me up.  I was at work and I was joyously considering how each person was gifted differently.  How each functioned and learned, differently.  And it occurred to me how I get to choose what to set my mind on.  That I get to choose what I seek.  And that I need to be really careful.  Without care, my mind can lead me to see the bad or negative.  But with care, I can focus on good.  I can accentuate it....if only because it's what I choose to expect and look for.
I spent so long in such a negative environment.  I got so sucked into that.  It is very freeing in this moment to be unwrapping some of those grave clothes.  Stepping forward.  Kind of in shock a little.  Today, a friend nearly knocked me back...with "well, you know, I hate to see any marriage end, but it's not that I don't want you to be happy."  I felt sucker punched.  I wanted to melt.  But then....I didn't.  Because what she thinks is a direct result of lack of information.  And that has been my choice.  To not bad mouth.  To not bash.  To not exhaust the subject.  But it makes it harder on me.  But...not really.  Because what people think doesn't really matter.  I have to get over it.  And get on with it.  I have to look forward to the One who goes ahead.  Who calls me to life. Who tells me to seek Him.  Because therein is life.  Real living.
Does it hurt that nobody really got the significance of these moments?  Sure.  But it doesn't diminish it just because they don't walk the feelings with me.  I can't cause anyone to get it.  Not without dishonoring who I want to be.  So I'll just take breaths.  In and out.  And remember...they can love me and not get it.
I am finding what is beautiful.  Because I am seeking it.  And it satisfies.

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