Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, June 10, 2012

sweet faces

there are faces in my life that bring me joy.  and peace.  and laughter.  that are calming and comforting just by whose they are.  they are faces that speak to me without ever saying a word.  that draw me in.  they are my friends.  my children.  it has only been recently that i realized how important those simple sweet faces are.  not because they have to give me anything.  or fix anything.  or meet my needs.  but because they are there.  firm.  loving.  because i love them with a love that is a gift.  a treasure.  and they....and this took me long to absolutely know....love me too.  not because i do for them.  not because i do right.  we see one another.  it's not reciprocal.  yet, it's mutual.  with the sweet faces, i am not invisible.  i am seen.  i am precious.  as are they.  to me.  they are gifts...these sweet faces.  from god himself.  reminders.  of him.  his love.  his gentleness.  his presence.
i adore those sweet faces.
hope you have some in your life.  think on them.  make a point to look at them.  to make time for them.  to realize how desperately and wondrously important they are.  don't ever take them forgranted.  because one of the hardest things about when someone passes away is that there comes a time where it's hard to picture their sweet face.  you want so badly to get to look again.
love.  be loved.  enjoy it.  fully.

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