Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, June 15, 2012

guard dog of joy

i have a mission in life.  a passion.  a deep seated need.  to guard the heart.  no, not with gates and walls.  and not from others getting in.  no, my passion is to guard the free gifts that were stored in my heart....peace and joy.  they were put there.  like a deposit.  for the future hope that is coming.  and yet, all too often, i let others run on into my heart and run on out with a good portion of my joy.  not anymore, sister.  nope.  i have learned what a treasure there is in those small things.  and i will not give them up easily.  never anymore.  i will cling tenaciously.  people can steal my stuff.  they can have the satisfaction of winning or being right.  but they cannot...may not...steal my joy or peace.  it's not theirs to take.  and each person's storage is only good when held onto.  it can jump start someone else's to grow...but it can't live in someone else's heart.
so....you can take what you need from me....my time.  my money.  my food.  my words. my hugs.  my love.  my emotional investment.  but i will not be allowing anyone to take away my joy.
it lives there in my heart.  like an exotic plant.  exquisite.  beautiful.  and one of a kind.  a promise of what is to come.  and i am it's guardian.  so that others will see it.  enjoy it.  bask in it.  and be directed to the One who gives to each one of us...uniquely and individually.
that's right.  i'm a watch dog.

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