Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, June 25, 2012

i am enough....with jesus ;)

today was hard.
weird things can simply be too much.
like having to find a diploma.
my son needs his suddenly.
and it was most likely in the drawers of the 
dresser that i had to empty all over the floor
when my husband moved out. 
i wanted him to take the dresser he 
had been using.
but wasn't happening.
so, i had to go empty the dresser that 
had all of the art and keepsakes and photos.
and then i had to clear out the dresser
he had been using
of the things he left.
it was hard.
and then last week
i had to go through the stuff and box it up.
though it's stupid as can be
that just kicked my butt.
i nearly bawled.
and you know what?  
there's nobody to tell.
there's nobody to say
"there there sweetie."
it was just so stinking hard.
crying now.
that's probably what i needed to just do.
things like that just slam me.
into a brick wall.
and i feel bruised.
and i have no way to let people know
or to make them understand
because it just sounds
but it's not.
i'm not dumb.
and i'm strong.
and with jesus, 
i am enough.
just like i am.
and i will solve the problem of the diploma
as i have solved so many problems.
and i am going to choose
to sparkle.
to shine.
to twinkle.
because life...
though some things are hard...
life is a gift.
and i want to love it.

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