Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

True Treasures

I have been a table leader at my temp job.  Seven souls look to me for answers and direction regarding our project.  I was dragged into doing it.  Yet, it has been fulfilling.  God always knows what He has for me.  I am learning to relax into it.  Kinda like the trust walk.....knowing that He'll never lead me into the mud or smash me into a wall...unlike my son who took me on a "trust" walk in sixth grade.
The people at my table have become treasures in my heart.  They have made my job easy.  They have been fun.  And yet, today, they gave me so much kindness.  One told me, "I think that you are going to be a great teacher, I can see how you'll be with the kids.  They got themselves a keeper."  Another told me, "I want you to know if you ever want to come to my sun porch and rest and have lunch, I'd love to have you.  And if you ever need someone to talk, I've gotta good ear."  Another told me how fun I had made it.  I was so...encouraged.  And I began to reflect as I sat at my station.  To ponder how the greatest treasures that are given are kind words.  Encouragement.  And being in the presence of a gentle soul.
I have been blessed.  By something I was scared of.  But by being there, by getting out of my comfort zone, by rising to the challenge, by choosing to take the breath and dive into the water....I have been changed for the good.  I have been empowered by their strength and insight.  I have been uplifted by their words and actions.  I have laughed so hard that I snorted...yes...in a quiet room.  Library quiet.
I am changing.  A friend asked me today if I was confident enough to wear certain things.  If I felt good about how I look.  She claims that we just don't.  That feeling good about personality is good enough.  No.  It isn't.  I am determined.  I am resolute.  I WILL love the body I'm in.  Just how it is. And I will love babying it.  And nurturing it.  And nourishing it.  And seeing it change as I heal.  But I will no longer choose the party line of hating my body.  Or feeling less than enough.
I can walk.  And talk.  And skip.  And dance.  And sing.  And twirl.  I can eat.  And laugh.  And giggle.  And stretch.  My body does SO much for me.  I need to remember that and stop being so quick to think of ways to hide it or make fun of it.  My body is a gift to me.  A treasure of it's own.  With energy.  And a need for rest.  It teaches me about balance.  It is the only one I get, so I might as well figure out how to love it.  God obviously knew what it would grow to be.  He's not surprised nor repulsed.  He sees me naked.....in every way.  And says, "look at that, just how I imagined her."  Beloved.  Can I really believe it?  If I keep focusing on it.  Keep leaning that direction.  Keep seeing what is good and excellent and worthy of praise.  Or....I can focus on the things that aren't model like. But, like the furniture I adore, the most beautiful thing is to accentuate the dings and cracks.  To bring them forward and to show the healing.  It's beautiful in people too.  And THAT'S the kind of beautiful person I want to be.
Thankful for the treasures of my week.  Of my life.  I have been granted many.

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