Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

epic fail

you know, i keep thinking that i'm moving on.  moving forward.  that i'm brave.  and then i have a day like today.  he was texting my friend to say that the lines on the sprinkler system should be blown out.  she didn't know what to say because i made it awkward by being so screwed up about being able to handle his being present and made to be "necessary".  so, i was crushed by the fact that my crap once again affected someone else.  then, i dealt with that.  emailed.  went on to the concert my daughter had.  my ex was going too.  honestly, i was thinking how well i was doing.  had to walk into the school alone.  knew i'd have to find a seat.  was nervous, but doing it.  found a friend and was so happy.  sat between her and a youngun.  then the friend and her hubby left and i felt exposed.  i felt vulnerable.  i had as close to a panic attack as i could have without everyone knowing.  scared me.  because i was tired.  and weary of feeling uncomfortable.  and for awhile there, i had felt safe.  i survived, but not with much grace and aplomb.  by the skin of my teeth.
and on top of everything else, i feel like he will eventually whittle away at my friendships too.  makes me ill.  but, i keep remembering that it simply is what it is.  my worrying nor my regret will not change it.  i just have to let go.  i have to learn to love well.  i must give and not allow myself to get caught up in being needy.  i must take care of myself.  rest.  food.  time.  time to speak how i feel.  time alone.  guess i'll get plenty of that as the holiday is coming...
but you know, though i have felt literally like an epic fail today, i'm ok.  this is the life i have chosen.  and as hard as it is...it sure as heck beats how i was living.
maybe there will be a surprise job offer for him in texas.  oh, wait, i must have been dreaming. ;)

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