Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

You, my ex, are a total ass.

My son has been texting me today.  He is distraught.  He has been made fun of.  Has suffered the ridicule and being told that his nanny is disappointed in him.  He has been made uncomfortable by his dad.  He has texted how his dad hasn't changed at all.  How he listens in to his conversations and doesn't stand up for him or anyone.  I am so done with that family.  They hurt.  They harm.  And some of them are fun.  But, together, the toxicity is horrible.  My son is suffering.  But my prayer isn't for him to run off.  It's to stand up.  To speak.  His brother is helping.  He has words to say but feels like he won't be heard.  Even making fun of the colleges he is going to.  What jerks.  But the most amazing ass is his dad.  Because he doesn't make people back off of his son. Instead, he stands aside.  Instead, he allows.  I know how it feels.  He pretends not to notice anything is wrong.  In reality, he is just glad that it's not him.  Because he is weak.  My son is strong.  And he will stand.  And he will probably not go back.  Makes me sad for them.  What a horrible loss.
I guess that being a total ass is what you did best, my ex.  You let others suffer so that you can feel good.  You are too chicken to speak up or have any standards that might make your mommy say that she isn't proud of you.  But she never says that she's proud of you anyway.  Just like you are with your kids.  What a jerk you are.  Unkind.  Unfeeling.  Without remorse.  Unless something hurts YOU or makes YOU uncomfortable.  You are completely narcissistic.  Completely.  I really am glad that you aren't in my life.  You have harmed this family.  Not just me.  And for all of your claims of loving your kids...you have never put yourself aside and made a point to lift them up.  Oh, for the kudos you will say the right things.  If you are trying to win them back, of course you will write the right thing.  But you don't live it.  It rings false.  There's no fruit.
total ass.  Why does it STILL surprise me?  And hurt me?  I made a lousy choice in you.  And why in hell did I ever care about being good enough for you?  I have a higher standard than that.
I am angry on behalf of my children.  YOu should just be thankful that they are as kind as they are.

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