Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, July 11, 2011


It's hard for me to get motivated.  Gotta pay some bills.  Get some stamps.  Do some cleaning.  It's SOOO hard for me to do it at home.  At school, I get stuff done.  Here, it's like an invisible vaccuum sucks out all of my hope and keep me from moving.  It is the most bizarre thing.  I feel lethargic.  I feel overwhelmed.  I feel like crying.  I think that I am suffering a form of depression here in my home.  I dread him coming home.  I dread having to make small talk of any sort.  I hate fake.  Despise it.
He was upset that I didn't want to go to a missionary meeting with him last night.  He wants me to still live his life.  I am not that willing anymore.  I want to putter on my home.  Paint my kitchen.  Paint my bathroom.  Regrout.  Fix up the ceiling.  Replace the bulb.  I want to lay on my bed on the porch and simply be.  I want to actually live in my home.  But I'm frozen.  Kept from producing.  Don't get to choose.  Kills me.  Hope not literally.  But, sometimes I worry for my health because of the extreme amounts of stress that have been put upon me.  Without outlet.  Without the undeniable support of family.  I will be fine.  I just have to make it...love my kids.  God has granted me this long, I pray for longer.  Then, I pray to be free.  But, sometimes, I wonder why I wait.  My one son asked me that about 6 weeks ago.  Why do you stay?  He doesn't treat you well.  Sigh.
He's cheap.  He's narcissistic.  He's prideful.  He's mean spirited.  He's pitiful.  And he covers it all with a laugh and charm.  Now I'm shaking again.  How will I ever survive?  What will it take???  How can I do it???
I bawled this afternoon.  A teen wet his finger and wiped off my mascara later on.  I wonder if he knew that it was from crying.  I hope not.
Now I sit here.  Waiting.  Dreading.  Any minute.  He'll walk in.  I don't have anything to do.  Nothing to make me invisible.  Trying to work here makes me open to comments.
He is growing a garden.  Keeps the chickens out.  There are those tears again.  Why do I have a sense of wanting to salt water his garden on the sly?  That's not me.  I wouldn't really do it.  But, he has been such a complete a hole about my garden all of this time and it's like he rubs my face  in his doing it.
Ok, when contemplating getting mad and doing something about it, I feel a spark of life.  But, I want to keep the peace for five more frickin years.  aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!NNNNNNOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

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