Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Out of the Woodwork

Funny how some people that I don't know that well out of the blue give me advice and wonder what God is teaching me.  On facebook.  It's weird.  It went something like this...
Hey _____! Hope your summer is going well and you are enjoying the time with your kido-s! Looking forward to having you and _____ come up to the cabin on the 23rd with the rest of the men's group. It will be nice to have some girl time too with all of the wives. Blessings for your weekend........... What is God teaching you these days?
You might wonder why that was "weird"...well, I have never had a conversation of substance with this woman.  I have heard her speak.  I have seen her.  She apparently is the wife of one of the men in my husband's secretish men's group.  I did respond that we wouldn't be there because he would be at a family reunion.  Creeped me out.  I responded:

  • ____will be in Texas at a family reunion with a couple of the kids. So, I don't think he is going to make it. But, thank you for the invite.
  • And, I am looking forward to a quiet, restful weekend.
  • Hope that you are as well. ;)
  • Oh, with some school stuff thrown into the mix and kid craziness that is the beauty of having teens.
  • What is God teaching me? To wait for Him. His time. His wisdom. His plan. And.....that He does indeed have a plan.
  • What about you?
    And then......back from her:
    Well, .............. feeling like I'm in the middle of a hurricane knowing the eye will come, then the storm will resume, then it will be all over, except the clean up! Dealing with issues of the past and my mode of operating with relationships that hurt and threaten. How I self protect and why, and what would God have me do. The family historical baggage and my own unhealthy ways of dealing with relationships that threaten me feel overwhelming at times and I just want to run. The reality that we pass on our wounds to our kids is not a happy thought for me. I hate the work, but I really want my kids to be free of these harmful patterns.......so..... onward we go. Other than that, birthday parties, reunions, showers, company, cabin things, watching animals, listening to the river, talking to God, praying for my kids, ..................how is that for starters? :-)
    Hmmm.  I wonder what they talk about in those men's meetings....and more, I wonder why it seems that someone I don't even know wants me to come and spend girl time with other "girls" that I am clueless about.  But, bottom line, I wouldn't go anyway.  I've already told him.  I guess he has just not mentioned it.  
    It hurts me that so few spend the time to get to know but seem to pry...not want to know me...but know how to fix things.  How to make me be the wife I should be.
    Today I realized that I will work hard to make it through the next few years.  I do not want any fighting or lawyers fees.  None.  I want to file and be done.  Don't want his dollars.  Don't want his "sorries."  I just want him to let me be.  To finally be able to breathe.  To not be anxious and distressed about his coming home or coming in when I'm trying to rest or go to sleep.  He looks in on me at night and it creeps me out.  I know that I'm married.  But he lost my trust.  And I won't even go into the reasons why......
    because it's the weekend and I'm going to relax.  

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