Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

New Tactic

Knew it was coming.  Predicted it.  Last night was his night to have to get it out.  I was tired.  Reading.  He wanted to "talk".  But he never hears me.  I have to say, he was much calmer and said some right words.  Maybe he has a coach?  But, the bottom line is still the same.  Though it was done in a more pleasant fashion.  Yet, I didn't back down.  I didn't say "you're right".  I didn't try to spare him.  Even when he decided he should just get up and walk away.  He did not call me dear this time.  I was very clear.  He made it an argument at first. But, then, after I said that I wouldn't fight....he became ultracomplacent.  Yet, looking  back at the conversation, it was still the same message.  I was going ruin our kids.   Why should he be the one to have to move out because I want this.  How can he afford it...it takes all of his money as it is.  Though I said that it's about what I need and how I have been treated and how I need to feel....there was nothing about me in his reasonings.  It has been and it seems will always be about him.  He is selfish.  His focus only goes as far as how things affect him.  His sense of empathy is lacking.  Reason is high.....although, warped.
Tired as can be.
But he got up earlier than usual this morning.  Got ready and went to work.  Hope he decides to take steps towards a place to stay.

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