Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Marriage took away "me" time.  I don't do the things I would normally do when I am around my husband.  The little primping things.  Nails.  Eye brows.  Face masks.  The little things that feel so good.  I'm always on edge.  Always running.  Always closed  down.  Retreating.
I realize it when I'm away.  Like this weekend.  Face mask.  Nails filed and buffed.  Toe nails painted.  Legs shaved.  Nice long shower/bath.  Little things.  But things that show me that I'm relaxed. Comfortable.  At ease.
Not rushed.  Getting away.  Struggling.
I have lived like that for so very long.  Finally seeing the differences in how I behave is helping me.  A lot.  I am becoming more and more comfortable knowing that I can't live with that stress anymore.
I need me.  One plus one will always make two....quote from Leo Buscalgia.  And each one brings something to make a marriage more.  Better.  Fuller.  And continually grows.  And learns.  Not in my case.  I was supposed to become......him.  Or at least simply an offshoot.  But I am not.  I am one.  Always.
I can JOIN, but I cannot meld.  I have to remain myself.  And if he loved me.. .really for  real loved me....then he would want that.  Sadly.....he doesn't.  He regards it as selfish.  He mopes when I do things for me.  He grouses.  He grumps.  And that's too bad.  Because I was worth keeping.
And I'm worth rediscovering.  It has been a hard but good adventure!
On to more adventures!

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