Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Pursuing freedom

I have pursued all kinds of freedom this last year.  Spiritual freedom.  Personal freedom.  Financial freedom.  Bedroom freedom. Sexual freedom......to be freed from being an object and learning to understand being feminine and being allowed to be that without it being an invitation...lest you think I mean sleeping around.  Style freedom.  Time freedom. Work freedom.  Cooking freedom.  Cleaning freedom.  Vacationing freedom.  Writing freedom.  Sleeping freedom.  And now, stuff freedom.  You can't imagine the lightness I am feeling as I actively and purposefully divest myself of things.  Of stuff. Giddy.  It's a good kind of freedom.  I want to do more.  It's addictive.  But, it's also hard.  Because I'm used to needing to hold onto things.  Won't be able to get something else.  Now, I'm ready to leave that mentality.  Share it on.  Pass it on.  The house building materials that we haven't used in eight years won't be used.  Let someone use them.
I want to be free.  Free from the feeling that I might not have enough.  That I need to hold onto things.  I don't want to hold onto things.  I want to hold onto relationships.  Memories.  Experiences.  I want to hold onto the fact that I am taken care of every step of the way and I don't constantly have to be sure that I have lots of stuff.
Stuff.  That's all it is.  The cute little box.  The lovely rusty metal piece.  The cute sofa.  There's so much stuff in the world.  I want to be purposeful to have what I need and what makes me comfortable....and let the rest go.  Freely. Without stress.  Because that is freeing.
Off I go.  I have loads of stuff to get rid of tomorrow!  Pray that I do.

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