Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

watching the butterflies play

sat outside this morning, as i often do, on my front step.  my dogs like to lounge around the yard and i enjoy listening to the birds sing.  today i was startled by a huge butterfly coming up close to me on a sunflower.  then there were two.  and as i looked around, i realized that there are quite a few butterflies fluttering around.  they are fun to watch.  almost playful.  they look like they are simply floating.  no sound from the movement of their wings.  beautiful.
i am blessed.
a lot goes on in life.  problems arise.  boundaries have to be drawn.  it has been that kind of week.  and i do it.  but i whine.  i don't like having to do it with people i care about.  i like for them to observe them without me having to get out a stick and draw a line in the dirt.  but, alas, some people use other people....even when they love each other.
i am going to keep remembering to enjoy each of the blessings.  going to remember to hang on to the joy.  sad things are just events.  they don't have the power to steal joy unless i allow it.
taking time to watch butterflies play is life changing.
and remembering how time is magically frozen when i begin doing something i love.  so, i need to find something that i love about the things that i need to do.  need to change my mindset.  i've got a lot to do.  i've just got to find a way to do it with the right mindset.  with prayer.  with joy.  with peace.  i can't believe how much work there is to do.  so much garbage left all around my property.  my ex stacked so much stuff.  it's crazy how much stuff is around the fence.  embarrassing.  and overwhelming to think of moving in the heat.  but it will get done.  it can be done!  and when it is, it will be satisfying.

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