Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Help came today.  I woke up and got started and thought, "I'm going to be pushing it to make it through this."  And.  Then.  Help.  Came.  It was beautiful.  The help was good.  The encouragement to my heart was priceless.  Because everything around me is a MESS.  I have pulled "life" apart.  And it is MESSY.  Easier to just leave things where they are.  Easier, but not as healing.  This way causes growth.  And choices.  I want stuff.  I like stuff.  But I want stuff that I use.  That I like.  That is not just there because we couldn't get rid of it.  Stuff is to be used.  Gladly.  Happily.  But not hoarded.  Why should we hoard?  God brings what we need as we need.  I'm learning more about that.  I have been having a busy life for the last month.  Internally most of all.  Not hoarding those emotions either.  Feeling them.  Dealing with them.  Letting them go.  Facing them again and repeating.  Without fear.  It's all ok.  Normal even.
This garage sale is freeing.  I can't wait to sell the stuff for CHEAP.  Neither can the kids.  Freeing ourselves from constantly needing to move something or look for something we should be able to find.  Freeing ourselves from the need to hold onto stuff that doesn't have emotional attachment.  It's time.
I be tired.  In a good way.  Dealing with a lot....dealing with it, not avoiding it!

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