Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


So,my pants are growing.  It's funny, I didn't intend to lose a pound.  Was the last thing on my mind.  Stress and all.  But, I DID want to be healthier.  To be able to be stronger and more alert.  I wanted to begin to take care so that I will be around longer for these great kids.
So, awhile back, I started my vitamin D.  And of course, I have my gummy ADULT multi vitamins. :)  Kids like them and actually take them.  But, reading, I knew that my system needed the good oils and omega 3 EPA /DHA.  I mean, these things have been proven to help the heart, energy, blood glucose, skin, hair, nails, mental health, eyes, and cholesterol.  But...frankly, I don't like fish.  It says that you have to eat it at LEAST three times a week.  Blech.  So, I looked for a supplement.  With fear and trepidation.  Because I know what it feels like to burp fish oil.....GROSS.  Found it.  It's orange flavored.  It is a honkin' sized gel cap...of which I have to take not one but TWO....but, no bad burps.  Then,I knew that with the stress, I needed to increase those B vitamins.  I found a good B complex.  Also huge.  I replaced my Tylenol PM with a natural sleep restorer.  And...I began to buy more fruits and veggies.  And actually eat them.  Avocados, as it turns out, have massive amounts of protein.  And good oils.  They fight cholesterol and plaque build up in the arteries.  They taste really good on good bread toast.  I didn't quit eating other things.  I still put butter on my toast.  I at a big thing of Cold Stone by myself in a couple of days.  But my belly is shrinking.  It's bizarre.  I haven't started walking.  I've been laying around in a stupor much of the time.  I do work on getting the house back together sometimes.  I do go to work.  But nothing that would shrink my tummy.  Yet...it is smaller.  Shirts that I had to pull to button actually have space. 
I bought and eat organic apples.  I eat bananas. Yes, and I sing the song too.  I have whole grain breads.  Veggies....broccoli, asparagus.....SALAD.  I made salad the other night with red leaf lettuce, avocados, toasted almonds and a raspberry vinagarette that is kinda sweet.  My daughter stood over it and ate it as well.  I added more good lettuce and things to it as we polished off a BIG bowl. A serving bowl.
I actually go into the natural foods store.  I have remembered my grandma and the things she bought there....spices as well as other things.  My garlic was cheap.  My fruits and veggies too.
And the side benefit of getting smaller....kinda cool.
Do I feel healthier?  Yes.  Though I've been sick as a dog.  That's weird, I know, but in the midst of even that, my body itself feels more able.  Less painful.
I was thinking about juicing....but you waste so much of what you buy.  I could do smoothies.  It keeps the fiber.  Gas could be a problem....but, hey, who doesn't need a lot of fiber?
I guess what I'm getting at is that I didn't set out to make a HUGE change.  I didn't start a diet.  But, now, I love what I eat.  It tastes so good.  And I don't say that there's anything that I can't eat.  I just don't really want to eat some of the stuff.  I look at it and have no desire.  And when I do...I have it.
I'm changing because I choose to.  Not because I don't like how I look.  I'm changing to be able to do and be more of what I want to be.  I want to travel  I need to be healthy.  I need to be stronger.
Don't feel stronger this last few days...but that's just the sickness.  It'll change too.
Put it this way...I had creeped well into size 12 being more comfortable than 10's.  And in less than two weeks, I'm easily in tens and even a couple of size eights.  That is kinda...sorta....FUN!!!

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