Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Poor Baby

Tonight, I got a "poor baby" from someone...in a kind way.  Empathy.  I hadn't really even thought about it.  My kids are fascinated with my illness, but not particularly empathetic.  Like I've said, I don't have family.  I had a friend go pick up the kids on Monday.  But....I am realizing how sick I've been.  It's a really weird sick.  Tired.  Body tired.  My eye is always tired.  Making my other eye strain.  And the aching of the whole area is so strange.  Sometimes throbbing,  Sometimes stabbing....seriously stabbing.  Tingly.  Itchy...but DON'T scratch, it really really hurts.  Sometimes hot packs.  Sometimes cold.  Hot baths.  Lots of laying down.  Trying to eat well.  Drinking tea and lots of water.  Just making my way through it.  It'll end.  Eventually.
But, the "poor baby" caught me off guard.  Brought tears to my eyes.  And then when she said that she'd be bringing me dinner tomorrow night....it was so blessedly amazing.  Cared for.  When I was sick with my husband it was not so great.  So, I don't much think about being pampered or having my duties lightened.  This little action brought me so much.  Even if the meal didn't come...just having someone make a deal and KNOW how hard this is to get through was good enough.
I'm strong.  I'm able.  I'm courageous.  But sometimes, it feels really good to have someone hold the sword and breastplate for awhile.
I was blessed.

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