Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

encouraged by....everything

I am easily encouraged.  It doesn't take a lot of fanfare and hoopla.  Just the idea that there is hope lifts my heart and gets me moving in a positive direction again. 
I have had a good week at school.
I had a few compliments.  They stroked my ego.  They don't necessarily mean anything, but they are nice to have.  It's nice to have people around who make a little bit of a deal over what I'm doing. 
Crazy though it is.  I think it's because the only time I was complimented in marriage was when it was to benefit him....he complimented me to get me to repeat a behavior.  To do what was good for him.  It's crazy how my own life wasn't ever about me in my marriage.
So, it's like being single encourages me.  Lifts me back up.  Not on some pedestal, but to the land of mattering.  Of humanity.  Of being important because I was made in His image. 
I am happy with that.  Gleeful, even. 
I am better.  A little bit all of the time.  He knocks me down, but only temporarily.
Tomorrow I was thinking how fun it would be to take the kids and go to first service and then just go do fun stuff.  He goes to teach their youth group during first service.  I just want to have some control over going to church.  Over getting to sit with the kids now and then without him sitting two rows behind and joining us right after the service.
But I am encourage.  By the weather.  By people.  By animals.  By activities.  I'm pretty easy.  I find all kinds of things to be positive about.  Yep. 

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