Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, September 24, 2012


I was thinking the other day how I never knew that I could pray so hard, fervently, earnestly, selflessly.....until I had children.  I never knew what it was to actually want absolutely and deeply what someone else wanted and needed..without reserve.  It has been a grand adventure having children.  One that I would not give up.  One that I adore.  I like having kids.  Tiring?  Yes.  Emotional?  Yes.  Problem giving?  Sometimes.  Work?  Yes.  And absolutely worth it.  Each of them.  Because they are so much more.  They are people that I am proud to know.  They are people who inspire me. 
Today, I am praying for my son who is trying for his driver's license.   Today, I am praying for my son who wants out of his navy commitment before he begins.  Today, I am praying for my sons that are up fishing in the mountains.  Today, I am praying for my son who  really wants a new job....and a beginning at a new college.  Today, I am praying for my daughter as she faces the day after a girl's retreat...always hard to get back to the real world.  Today, I am thankful for each of them.  I am lifted higher by their presence in my life.  Every bit of who and how they are, lifts me, challenges me, encourages me....to be better.  To be more.  To learn more. 
Their simply being has made my prayer life so much more meaningful.  Talking with the ultimate Parent.....and finally, somehow, understanding just a little bit....how He feels about each of us.  Proud.  Encouraging.  Stern.  Loving.  Wanting the best.
Prayers.  They have changed my life.  For years and years and years and years.  Mostly just because they are time with the One who sees me and who knows what to do with all of my wonderings and hopings and fears. 
Today...for my kid and his friend that have to take the driver's test....I pray.  Because they are scared.  Nervous.  Taking a big step.  And so ready for it.

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