Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

strange day

today was a very good day.  i got up in the wee hours to go with a friend to do a vintage show. it was good to be out in the nice day.  while there, the son of the woman who was running the show, began hanging around our booth off and on.  i pretty much disregarded it and just chatted a little or actually, at one point probably kind of ignored him when i was busy doing something in the booth.  but at the end, when we were packed up...and he had helped with a couple of things, he came over and talked...while my friend disappeared for what seemed FOREVER.  in a way.  it was a nice conversation.  he likes traveling.  he likes to meander the back roads.  he likes rain.  and the ocean...said he needs it at least once a year.  these aren't huge things, but they are MY things.  it was weird.  mostly weird because he seemed a little bit flirty.  and frankly....i'm not looking for any romance or commitments.  i'm just starting to figure out who i want to be.  but he was interested.  he was encouraging.  he asked me all about my work and was actually.....interested.  he made a big deal about little stuff but not in an insincere feeling way....in an encouraging, that's really cool sort of way.  anyway, it was just strange.  and here i am thinking about it.  wanting to talk about it.  and yet, who do you really talk to about such a thing?  it was just ....odd....strange.  and quite nice.  yes, he was easy to look at.  i, of course, was sweaty from loading a van and moving furniture/goods.  but, he did say that he hadn't paid for camping in a long time.   my first thought was that i wondered if he was stingy.  but, of course, he owns boats...so probably not. 
well, that was my big, slightly strange, but lovely day.

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