Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Dear Mom

I know that after all of this time, people probably think that I have forgotten about you.  That somehow I don't remember or appreciate you.  But, I do.  And tomorrow is Mother's Day.  I want you to know how much I appreciate what a strong woman you were.  How I am amazed that you were willing to raise me all by yourself.  I know what courage that took way back when I was a child.  I appreciate how you were full of courage and a sense of confidence that allowed you to stand up when you were being mistreated.
My life wasn't easy when you were gone.  As a matter of fact, it was really difficult.  But, I think that the courage and happy attitude that you had in my early life helped to carry me through.  I had known that I was loved.  Though it was for such a short time.  I always remember the feeling of my hand in yours.  Of how tender you were with me.  I remember how you talked with me and sang to me.  You took the time, though you worked and had a life of your own as well.
You gave me so much.  And there has never been a time of life that I think that I couldn't miss you more. Each decade it's as if I miss you more than the one before.  Because I didn't get to see you go before me. I didn't get to model myself after you.  I didn't get to figure out how to be a grandma or how to stand up for myself because I knew that you were standing beside me.
Yet, somehow, I know that you ARE standing beside me.  That your strength and love have influenced all of my years.  That you planted good things in me at a young age.  And though I didn't understand them then...they grew and helped me to become the woman I have become.
I love you, mom.  More than I can ever explain to anyone around me.  Nobody I spend time with knew you.  You have been gone for so very long.  But, just like friends long separated who pick up right where they left off, I know that it will be that way for us as well.  One day, we will sit and chat about these grandkids of yours.  They are amazing.  You can tell me how proud you are of me...and I can tell you how very much I have missed you.
Until then, know that I love you, think of you and miss you every single day.
love you.

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