Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Growing Up......again

By the time I was 23, I had owned three cars. The first one, courtesy of my grandparents.  All I had to do was agree to hold down a job.  The next, I purchased when I was in college.  The following, I purchased when I was in college but had moved to a hot state....my little Jimmy didn't have AC...making the leather seats s trouble in the hot summer weather. So, I bought my cute little Honda Civic and rocked it. I loved that little car.  And it took good care of me.  Through winding roads, a huge flood, many miles of commuting back home from my college state.  It was a great little car.  Then, I got married. And, we had children.  And my car was the one that got traded in for a...sigh....minivan. I know, right?  But the minivan was needed.  My car had maintained it's value so well that it was worth more than his domestic car.  And then the minivan made way for an ancient suburban.  Which died.  So, we had to have a car payment....the only one of our entire marriage.....to buy the big green van.  Which has served us well these 18 years.  Very well.  Amazingly well.
But now, he has a Subaru.  And he is going to keep and fix up the van.  And I have been praying and wondering what to do.  Got a mailer from a car dealership....went in.  Went to another dealership too.  Drove some cars.  And.....chose one.  Bought it. And yes, bought a two year warranty because it's used and I want to be able to rest a little easier.  The payment does feel hard.  And yet, I just kept praying. That God would show me.  And the peace came.  Not just giddy excitement, but peace.  Calm.  That knowing that He goes before me. And I looked up the car I chose to buy....got it for well under 2500 under blue book. This was after I went back and asked the guy why he hadn't been on the up and up with me.  He schmoozed some more. That's what car salesmen do. But overall, I remain optimistic that I have made a good decision for my family.  A car that is very safe.  Gets good gas mileage.  Comfortable.  Even in the back.  Roomy trunk for.....bodies?  I don't know. ;)  But it's comfortable for me.
It's like growing up all over again.  Learning to fly.  To not be constantly afraid.  I was even worried for a moment while I was buying it about what he would think.  About what he would say.  And then I remembered...doesn't matter.  Own credit.  Own risk.  Own decision.  Own sacrifice.
Now.....just have to keep the grocery bill down. ;)

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