Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, May 25, 2012

The God Who Provides All My Needs.

I found great stuff today.  Railing for my porch.  I was gifted the metal that I had been fruitlessly searching for.  I found a great table for free.  I had someone inquire about buying the kind of dining room set that I am going to sell. 
I was amazingly blessed.  Beyond comprehension.  Beyond my understanding.  Because I don't deserve.  Or somehow do something right.  I just was simply....blessed.  Provided for.
I don't know if the people will buy the table or not.  But I know that if they do...it is a direct answer to prayer without me having to have done a thing. 
It's a very comforting sense.  Of being cared for.  Watched over.  Held.  Provided for.  Being able to lean.  Without someone constantly there to tell me what a bad place the world is and how I'd better do better...nope.  My Father knows me.  Made me.  Gets me.  He puts within me what I need to do.  He whispers to me.  He sings to me.  He rocks me to sleep and causes me to awake with joy and plans for a new day.  It's beautiful. 
Every need.  Every day.  Blessings unmerited.  Grace unwarranted.  Free.  Given.  To me.  I feel so unworthy.  I AM unworthy.  Except...that He says I'm His.  And that's enough.  Wow.
I did everything today that He intended for me.  Not all that was on MY list, but all that He had put in the plan.  It makes me feel complete.  Still.  Nurtured.  Lots always to do.  But a great gift to just get to follow along with Him.  His yoke is easy.  His burden is light.  I am remembering.  It is like gulping in air after I've been under the water at the pool for too long.  Unbelievably precious.

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