Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


No, I'm not a drug addict.  No, I'm not an alcoholic.  I don't have a thing for prescriptions.  Don't sniff nor whiff anything on purpose.  But, I am still working at detoxifying my body.  And my heart.  My body has been hurting for so much for so long and I have taken enough off brand tylenol to alleviate pain in the whole of Rhode Island.  But, lately, I have been taking supplements, drinking lots of water, and rather than taking tylenol pm, I have switched to an amazing herbal remedy.  I sleep well AND I don't have to worry about addiction nor ill effects.  I drink detox tea.  I work hard....sweating helps too, you know?
And I'm detoxing my heart too.  No, not the physical one.  The emotional one.  Learning to let go of all of that pain and stuff that was put in.  Learning to call it what it was.  And learning to be gentle with me.  And with those around me.  Learning to choose the woman I desire and am called to be without allowing those old voices to still destroy me.  I want to be gentle.  Kind.  Strong.  Tough.  Compassionate.  Gracious.  Generous.  Fun.  Silly.  Wise.  Instead, I had been crammed and pushed and belittled and questioned and hurt for so long that I was becoming more like someone simply trying to survive.  No more.  Each day is a new day.  Full of beauty and goodness.
I am detoxing.  Feels pretty good.

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