Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

slowly....but progressively

things are happening around here.  it's kind of slow.  the house is still in disarray.  but, dreams are coming.  we just found a free pool table.  we are envisioning a new living space.  it's coming together in our minds.  and hearts.  the kids are helping to figure it out.  and eventually, i will tackle that massive pile of his closet stuff that has been literally piled by the front door.  it's coming.  yes, slowly.
i have made a work area for furniture in my bedroom.  it's a big room...i have a small bed.  plenty of space for me to have a studio.  and then i can not worry about cleaning up when the kids have friends over or when i want to work at night.  i am learning to picture what i actually want and need rather than what i've ever seen or how things usually are.  new.  creative.  nothing is impossible.  fun.  forward moving.  growing.  learning.
i am also actively making my garden area what i have envisioned for so long.  for years, i did it for another when i couldn't do what i wanted in mine...too much stress....too much conflict.  but now, i get to do it.
it has been a lot of work.  really a lot of physical work.  and a lot of emotional work.  every drawer that gets opened.  every little place that has stuff.  i am in a get rid of things that don't really matter.  keeping memories of the kids.  keeping memories for the kids.  but the rest...the clutter...i'm ready to let go of that.  it's too stressful.
slowly.  but with great purpose.  and prayer.  and desire to do well.  to do good.  i want the game room so that the kids can invite people over.  freely.  conveniently.  and be a blessing.  the time is coming...but boy, there is a LOT of work.  and that is a challenge.

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