Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

God is right on time and right on need.

I have wanted a porch railing since my beautiful porch came to be....oh, about six years or so.  Yesterday, at a salvage yard...a recycle/reuse home supplies store....my friend spied some nice railings.  Often they sell  by section.  And they are not cheap, but more reasonable than buying them new.  We cornered the "worker man"....who wears a patch on one eye and the nicest demeanor ever....and asked him "how much?"
"Do you want it all?" 
"Well.....how bout $25?"
"Sold," my friend burst out.
So, we went back home, got a vehicle that could transport them.  And went back out to get them.....half an hour each way....loaded them....brought them home, but just couldn't unload.
She came over and helped me unload this morning.  Do you know that every section is within inches of fitting the exact dimensions of MY porch?
No, it wasn't an accident.  It wasn't lucky.  It was a gift from my Father.  Right on time.  Right size.  Right for my needs.  Perfect, even.  I am blessed.  Now...I have MORE work to do.  And I'm giddy about it.  I plug away, one thing at a time.
But, I could behave as if it was all me.  As if I did this.  I could take the credit.  But you know what?  I am marveling at how He knew someone had donated exactly what I needed and led me there.  IT WASN'T EVEN ON THE PLAN TO STOP THERE!!! It was a later decision.  And, I wasn't even LOOKING for railings! 
I marvel.  I thank Him.  I give Him the glory.  For this seemingly little thing.  And for the really big things.  He amazes me. 

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