Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

the road...a bump or a fork?

My husband and I have differing views on where we are.  He seems to believe that we have hit a bump in the road.  I believe that we came to a fork....and diverged.  And I don't think that it happened when he moved out.  Relationships have bumps.  And hills.  And all kinds of things.  But, sometimes, two people part ways.  Go different directions.  Travel on their own.  In my case, I'm traveling my own road, but he keeps cutting across to follow me.  To say that we aren't really on different paths.  That it's just a bump.  That we are going to travel together.
I don't want him as a traveling companion.  It's not that he's all at fault.  It's that we can't be healthy together.  It's like the old deck that needs to be taken apart and have a new foundation put under it.  There's no other way to make it firm again.  To make it safe.  You can cover it with new wood.  But the foundation will still be rotted. 
I have taken my own road.  I filed papers to proclaim it.  I am working hard to make it.  Mostly, praying hard.  Knowing that God keeps me. 
I just have to realize that what he thinks about it doesn't decide what I get to do or how I live.
He is still on my car insurance.  He is still on my phone plan.  Yikes.  Really? 
I feel used....and like he tries to make it as hard as possible.  Gave back my son's car to us not working.  Hasn't fixed the van he gets to keep. 
Nope, don't wanna walk a road with someone who doesn't play nice unless it gets him something.  And who plays nice as it suits him...that is what scares me most.   He is good at being really nice outwardly and then crushing me. 
I came to a fork in the road......I took the one that led to life.....and it has made all of the difference.

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