Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Baking and Painting

Anyone who knows me and my emotional times will know that I often turn to baking or painting to survive the rough times.  Lately, I haven't even been able to do those.  Everything was too overwhelming and so tired of the constantly not being able to please.  Well, I am happy to report that today, I have both baked AND painted the bathroom. 
I seriously painted the bathroom gray.  A little greener than I should have chosen, but still lovely.  I like it just fine.  Don't adore it.....because of the green undertone, but am SO much happier than I was with the peach color that my interior designer chose....which is my LEAST favorite color.  So, now I'm in the midst of cleaning...read "sanitizing"....the bathroom as well.  Want it to feel all new.  Big breath.  I just took a HUGE breath.  I did something I wanted to do, I feel good about it.......and, there's nobody around to tell me what if or am I sure or....whatever. 
And the best part is that I have two more school days and Saturday before he's home. Yippee!!!!! I know, I won't say that to people who know me.  I'll be polite.  Maybe that's part of the problem.  I never get to just have my feelings and acknowledge them.  Always have to try to be polite.
And, while I was painting, I realized that I have a couple of sons who oft need work, so, I can manage to manage my rental with family labor...score!!  I get tired of waiting for things to be done.  Embarrasses me especially when he behaves as if something isn't getting fixed because of something the tenant is doing.  But, I don't have to wait!  I can choose something new and alleviate my stress. 
And around my own house too.  He simply won't do the things I ask to be done.  My son that is 20 was in mid high school when we moved back into this house.  My cupboard trim is still not up.  Nor the drywall or tile in my laundry room.  I have asked, begged and negotiated.  Slim chance.  So, I will make my own plan.  Figure it out in my own way.  And the weight lifts. 
I wanted to share my project with someone, but that didn't happen and I wasn't devastated or hurt and that is a good thing too.  I chose the color.  Did the work.  Made the plan.  All of it.  By myself.  What am I, three?  ;) 
Back to work.  Have to go get kids soon. 
grace to you.

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