Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Passive Aggressive

You know, I don't like the therapized terminology and such..well, not very much. But, I have to say that beginning to understand passive aggressive behaviors has been a huge help to me.  Today it began again  Nice day at the lake with church.  Well, after a little trouble getting out the door...but, nonetheless, I survived.  A little hard.  I am not a big group person anyway.  And, one person really was having a hard time with me.  Made me sad.  But, life goes on. 
Dropped everyone off.  And it began.  Do you know a place we could get these brakes checked?  Yes, our son just had his done.  Well, they have been squeaking for a long time.  Yes.  When they quit squeaking you won't have brakes.  Ok.  But he would never out and say it.  Never mind that he keeps telling me that the van needs something...but he won't do it.  He drives the car.  Leaves the kids and me the van.  It's interesting to me now in life to realize that he leaves those things up to me.  And, if anything goes wrong he'll tell me that he told me so.  But the thing is that he wants me to pay for the van.  And it's OLD.  I like it.  I'd like to keep it.  But, I think I need a smaller vehicle.  Less gas.  It's only me.  A 15 passenger van is a little bit of overkill.  Anyway, I didn't fight, but it's always weird.  It's when he's mad.  I guess I'll just lie low this afternoon/evening.
grace to you.

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