Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I like to give.  Of myself.  Of my resources.  I like using whatever I have to see what God will do with it.  From a smile to objects to cash...it doesn't matter....it's the giving something away without expecting something in return that has taught me to see how deeply and completely God cares for me.  He doesn't need me to hold on to stuff with both hands.  He doesn't need me to hang onto my joy and peace in order for me to have "enough". The amazing thing about God is that the more I give away, the more He brings.  No, not in material stuff necessarily.  But in meeting my needs.  When my hands and heart are open, I can receive as well as give.  When they are closed and holding on, I can't receive anymore. 
I meet so many hurting people.  I see them.  I see there hurt looks.  The downward twist of their mouths.  I see the wateriness of their eyes.  The slope to their shoulders.  The shuffle of their step.  The quietness of their voices.  The confusion.  Lack of making a decision.  It's painful to see.  So many people hurting.  So many people with so much to give....all who have hurts.  Me included.  But, with hands and hearts wide open, we can be healed.  We can grow and turn our faces to the sunshine.  We can see the light and goodness in the world and not the temporary troubles.
So, though it's easy to be out for "me", I choose to see, to act and to do.  To give and to encourage.  To believe that each act of kindness is a step toward giving more "life" to Jesus in me. 
And, it's so fun to begin with my children.  To help a neighbor.  To get jazzed dreaming about what can be......that's who I was made to be.  Free.  Able to see and hope.  Best get to it.
grace to you.

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