Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ya Think?

I dream, like anyone does.  I mean, the go to sleep have a dream variety.  I don't have nightmares much.  I did as a child.  Bad dreams.  Troubling dreams.
But, I've been chewing on a dream I had a couple of nights ago for awhile.  Let me just say, it had been an awful night's sleep up to that point anyway.  Troubling, uncomfortable dreams.  Wake up.  Go back to sleep.  Until the last one, I only have bits of memories of them.
The last one is still vivid in my mind.  It's the kind that wakes you up in a heartbeat.
At the beginning, I was co-teaching a class with a man that is currently teaching with me.  He is an excellent teacher.  I was just having one of those days.  You know, the kind where you can't get organized, can't make it flow, can't be in the right place at the right time?  Yeah, you know what I mean.  But, I got through the day and the kids were leaving.  For some reason it was a school in the mountains.  Kind of a camp/school is the feeling.  The kids ran out into the snowy day.  But, I suddenly realized that two of the kids had forgotten something important, so I took off after them.  The dream part is how those two kids turned into my second and third sons.  I was running after them when they headed around the corner of a building and just as I began to yell for them, I began to sink.  All in one moment I realized that I had stepped in a dangerous area where the snow was very deep and hadn't been packed down.  In my rush, I had cut off of the "road" and through the area right by the building.  I also had a sense that there was a well or something in that area....it was a dream, so it was a sense that it was something I should have known, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it in thinking about it.  I sunk to my waist, in total shock and just as I was trying to scream, I sank, right arm up, all the way over my head.  I knew that I couldn't move or the snow would cover over me.  I wanted to yell, but I couldn't.  And as I waited, in just that split second, I realized that I couldn't speak because I couldn't breathe.  The snow was crushing in on me.  Heavy.  And in the moment that I was blacking out in my dream, knowing that I was stuck and unable to talk or breathe......with my two sons out there.....I woke up.
I was relaying the gist of this dream to a friend who said something like, "stuck, huh, think that means something?"  And I said, "Ya think?"
Honestly, dreams are just dreams.  The working out of our lives by our subconscious or our fears or our hopes.  But this one has made me think.  A lot.  Because I feel just that crushed.  And my children are leaving.  The second son in just a few weeks.  He was the name I was trying to yell as I went down.  And I remember having this moment of hope that he would come back looking for me because of how he is......ever so responsible.  But then knowing that he didn't know that I was there.
Symbolic all right.  Painfully so.
But, on I walk, in the grace of God today.  In whom, I live, move and have my very breath.  Or being.  Depending on the translation.  I need both.  I am pretty fragile.  And yet....like china.....stronger than you might think.

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