Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Did You Ever Know That You're My Hero?

You walked hard roads.  With a smile.  And a heart full of grace and giving.  You faced up to the troubles when your husband left you.  When your son nearly died.  When it looked like you simply wouldn't have enough money to live.  When you were talked about and when you were alone.  Oh so many people have been touched by your life.  By your choosing.  Choosing to be someone who sees others.  Who gets out in the world...not as an extrovert, but just with your own group of cared for ones....and gives all.  Who rests when the time comes.  And prays so often.  Who has never been caught up in religion and yet is so full of the Spirit. 
You are not wimpy.  Nor weak willed.  Nor in any way perfect.  You can be downright stubborn.  Sometimes even selfish.  There have even been a couple of times where you have been...mean.  I know.  Surprise.  And yet, there remains this thing.  Something that calls out to my spirit.  And I think, "you are my hero."  You live as one who has purpose.  Who gives what she has to give.  Who seeks out her talents and hones them.  Who keeps believing against indescribable odds, but then I stop.  Not really my hero.  Because a hero seems removed.  Distant.  On a pedestal.  And you are not that person.  No. 
You are a breath.  Like cool fresh air on a stifling hot day. You are laughter that comes in the moment when the world is looking pretty grim.  You are whimsy in a world full of staunchy, boring do it all the same.  You are.....a friend.  A true friend.  And you are good at it.  I see how you reach out to others.  Care about their hearts, their lives, their situations.  And it is beautiful.  Be blessed my friend.  As you have blessed so many.
grace to you.

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