Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

My Children

I took a job and in nearly 21 years, I have never had a day off.  I have been on-call 24/7.  I have had sleepless nights, worry and days where I wasn't sure if I could complete the task.  I have been exuberant and within the same hour, felt completely inadequate.  I went into the job untrained and with only a great amount of love and hope to give.  I have done this job much on my own.  I have counseled, advised, listened, encouraged, despaired, dreamed, and simply let go.  It has been an amazing job and I will never retire.  I will hold this job until the day I die.  I will never receive a paycheck nor a bonus nor some kind of merit award.  Nobody will know my name because of the job I do.  As a matter of fact, most people know me by "she's *****'s mom".  And, I have cried many tears.  Laughed so hard I cried.  Had the best hugs.  Been known well.  Given more than I thought that I had to give.  And....every bit is worth it.  My kids have changed my life.  I adore them.  And, on a good day, the feeling is mutual.  Each is so different.  So wonderfully unique.  It has not been easy.  Nor simple.  Nor predictable.  It has been a grand adventure.  Of all of the things I might ever remember, what will be the most precious are the memories of my children. 
Though many other things go wrong.  Are yucky.  Make me cringe.  Though my husband just has never gotten onboard with the whole family deal....it's always the 6 of us and him.  He views himself as an individual....we view ourselves as a family.  It has always been that way.  Argument 673.  Anyway, though that is true....I have never for one instant regretted these kids.  They stole my heart from the first day I suspected I was pregnant until now.  And...on until I am a great great grandma.  They are profoundly marvelous.  Wise.  Full of courage.
I love my kids.  And, I love knowing that they love me.  It's all kinds of wonderful.
grace to you.

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