Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Monday, August 22, 2011

To My Son

This day we stayed together all day.  We shopped.  Packed.  Laughed.  Nearly cried.  Talked.  Ate.  And just enjoyed each other.  We told the truth.  That this is going to be a hard time.  This going off to college so far away.  You have always been my stay at home boy.  You didn't like sleepovers or things that lasted too long away from your home.  Camp...well, I forced you to go.  And you did.  You called home the first four days.  They didn't usually let kids call home, but you needed to.  I remember so vividly the night that I was sitting by your bed praying for you...as I oft did in those younger years when you actually went to bed before me...and God impressed so heavily upon me to pray for you because what He was calling you to do was going to be difficult.  And, it has been.  You have pushed and worked and tried academically...with an emphasis on work, because none of it came easily.  You have been organized and neat.  You make choices each day about the person you have become and those choices have built great character in your life.
Every mom...well, most of them, at least...is glad to be a mom.  But, it has been a great privilege to be YOUR mom.  Not just the mom of one of six.  YOURS.  Because you are unique and wonderful.  Because you laugh with me and tell me the truth.  Because it's just so wonderful being around you.  I love you.  Not because you will achieve great things...which, I'm sure you will.  I love you because you are my precious son.  My one and only you.
Saying good bye tomorrow is weighing heavily on each of us.  I know it.  You know it.  But, it will be ok.  I'm only a phone call away.  Or Google+!  And there is no time that I won't come if you need me.  Though you will be far away by miles, you can never be very far from me because I carry you in my heart.  I pray for you.  Think good of you.  Bless you with every ounce of my being.  You are a wonderful son.  A gift.  I am looking forward to seeing how you love making your own life.  You are brave.  Not because you don't have fears, but because you face them so straightforwardly.  I admire that.  I will try to be that brave.  When you see my tears....don't worry, I know that it's time for you to go.  I know that this is a GOOD thing.  That you are so ready.  So able.  I know that you will be just fine.  But, I'll cry because it's a part of letting go of the past and moving on to what the future will bring.  I love you much. Mom

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