Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Friday, April 6, 2012


First, I have to say, I have no arguments with the premise of this book.  However, I have some definite problems with how some people are using it.
You got it.  My husband is reading it.  I saw the receipt in the book.  Bought in February of this year.  The book has been out for.....about five years, I think.  And he bought it a month and a half ago.
Here's my problem with the book.  While the idea is great for those who begin this way, it is NOT great for those who were already left.  The subtitle of  "never leave your partner" is being used against women who are separating and divorcing men who ALREADY left her behind.  They left her in the burning building alone.  To fend for herself.  Sometimes even adding to the fire.  But, at some point, they figure out that they are lonely or maybe wrong....and they decide to go back in.  Well.  Um.  It's hard to trust that kind of a partner.  Would YOU go into a blaze with someone who would come back when it was convenient or beneficial to him?
My husband left me years ago.  I have tried to keep alive.  But, the damage is done.  I can't go undo it.  I can't pretend that I didn't inhale the smoke, see his back as he chose himself over me or even over us.  And while I see that forgiveness is good.....and right.  I'm still not going back into a fire with him.  I don't trust him.
Ok.  I feel better.  Had to write it.  Or burn the book.  And since it's not mine, that would be wrong.  Though I have a fire going.  ;)
People who are going to be fireproof need to care about being fireproof before their partner dies or succumbs to the lack of oxygen......nuff said.
and.....as a little after thought.  um.  sometimes they weren't even partners to begin with.  so...how dare they use this book to make women feel like THEY are the ones to have to make it right again because NOW he has read a book.  seriously.  how messed up has life become?

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