Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


I talked to someone that I knew from many years past tonight.  She had been emailing me about her mom's upcoming 70th birthday.  And so, we chatted back and forth a bit. She asked about the fam and all...like you do.  And I told her that I was separated.  She was shocked.  Yet....she began to share her story of where she is.  How hard it is.  The hurtful thing that happened in.......DECEMBER.  The many years of pain.  Her ultimatum that he needed to move out, but he didn't and he agreed to instead get counseling....but he hasn't.  And through all of it, as hurting as I have been and am....I realized, I saw that I've made progress.  I've grown. I've changed.  I am stronger.  I am more able.  She is still lost.  And, while I feel a bit lost still, I feel myself inside.  It hasn't all made it out where everyone can see, but I feel the life coming back.  She is where I was a couple of years ago.  In agony.  Wondering.  Wishing.  Feeling badly.  Not knowing what to do or how.
And God used me.  Not to say "get divorced."  Not at all.  To hear her.  To tell her that I'm sorry that she's hurting.  To tell her about a book.  To let her know that she's not alone.  She has no friends where she lives.  She is depressed.  Her kids are grown...but at home.  Young still.
It was good for me...to feel progress.
AND...progress here in my home too.
Getting better.  Can't wait til I'm getting great!

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