Our lives are a journey that we walk together not in order to become "good christian women," but rather to draw near to God so that we can reflect His light to those around us. Our stories, our paths, our dreams and our message are all unique. But we hold hands and walk boldly, fearlessly......onward...creating joy, hope, faith and peace in our wake.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sometimes I Amaze Myself

Sometime I amaze myself!  I love those times!
Got out those pesky bills.  My phone. My computer.   Cup of coffee.  At the table.  Checkbook.  Pen.  Scratch paper.  And lots of patience.
And....an hour and a half later, I have all of my accounts payable by me online.  Yep.  I rock.  I even got my mortgage for the rental set up...after about 20 minutes on the phone with the nice tech man who was linking my accounts.  I called him sweetie.  hahahhahahaha.  He worked hard.  So did I.  You can't link them on your own...but I thought that it could be done.
What a fine time it has been.
Most bills paid.
Ok, I need to be sure that the man sends me the money on the 15th like he's supposed to.  Since he has nearly a thousand dollars left in the bank AND gets paid on Friday....really?  And left me with nearly $300 extra in late bills?  What a dork.  And I don't even care.  I am cared for.  Blessed.  Abundantly.  There is no fear when I trust in the One who really provides.
Wow.  It's a wonderful kind of freedom.  It's spiritual.  And emotional.  It's so deep and great that I hardly know what to do with it.  BUT I'M LEARNING!!!
Joy is coming.  Bubbling up.  Peace is simmering.  Not constant yet.  Still residual crap.  But it's dissipating.  I'm sure it'll just take time.  Especially for my body.  It is conditioned to feel certain ways.  To worry about certain things.  To be tense.  I didn't realize just how bad it was until it wasn't anymore.  Weird, huh?
I amazed myself.  Tired though I was, I got it together and got it done.  It's all kinds of awesome.
And did I mention that we were paying two bills that we don't use the service???  Wow, wise up dude!!!
Now, is it rude to ask when he will be leaving MY cell phone plan????  Just wondering if there's some amount of time that is considered good etiquette to wait.  No clue.  Never done this before.
blessings.  grace.

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